Enabling & Disabling

As this component is used mostly to rotate during attack / roll, we naturally want to enable it during animation, and here comes 2 anim notifies.

  • AN_RotateOwner - anim notify, used mostly on player.

  • MaxDegreesPerSecond -max number of rotation degrees per second
  • MaxPossibleRotation - max number of degrees that owner can rotate

As an example let's take a look at Roll montage which has this notify with values 900 & 180.
It means that rotation will be enabled only for 0.2 second (180/900), in which owner can maximally turn by 180 deegres.

  • ANS_RotateOwner - anim notify state, used mostly on AI.

  • MaxDegreesPerSecond -max number of rotation degrees per second

As an example let's take a look at attack montage which has this notify.